티스토리 뷰

책, 도서

Kluge - 클루지 - Gary Marcus (2)

기디야 2021. 1. 30. 09:36


extrapolate - to predict by using past experiences.

expunge - 지우다

repress - 억압

congenital - inherited, 타고난, 유전

founder - to sink, fall

vestibule - 현관

mnemonist - 니모니스트, 기억전문가

hexameter - 6보격, 주로 시에서 쓰임

inundate - 







Human memory is rather a contextual, cognitive and situational memory which needs cues to provoke unlike computers which use postal-code memory-like storing something in a specific folder and keeping the folder organized.


Due to such trait, there are many faulty behaviors that are occured. For example, the witness testimonies are often wrong and biased.


How we make inferences = Like a weather forecast system. We do this based on our past memories and experiences.




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