티스토리 뷰

책, 도서

Kluge - 클루지 - Gary Marcus (3)

기디야 2021. 1. 31. 12:14


insidious - 교활한, 사악한

squabble - 실랑이하다

predilection - 선호, 편향

heuristic - 직관과 시행착오를 바탕으로 하는 빠른 판단.


Belief: 신념, 믿음


Our beliefs have to get filtered through contextual memory first. That is why they are also very clumsy and kluge.


With such minor alternations and tendencies, people's opinion/guess/memory can be effected greatly. Even if the information exposed is not related at all. = known as anchoring 

앵커링과 조정(어떠한 판단을 내리기 전 정보에 기준을 두고 판단을 하게 됨)


ex1) Subjects were told to guess what percentage of African nations were part of UN when a wheel of fortune was in front of them. When the values indicated 10, the average guess turned out to be 25% while when the wheel indicated 65, the average was 45%.


ex2) 펜을 입을 꾹 다문 채 입에 문 사람들과 펜을 이빨로 입술이 닿지 않게 문 사람들은 똑같은 만화를 다르게 평균적으로 평가하였다. 입술이 닿지 않게 펜을 문 사람들은 웃고 있었기에 만화를 더 재밌게 평가했다.


People tend to like familar things, there was a finding that people surprisingly liked chinese characters that are related to their names rather than unrelated ones. Maybe the secret of pop-art is in the familiarity itself.

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